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Choir: workshops, masterclasses and courses

The Choir Music program aims to improve all students' musical, artistic, and expressive abilities. Every person has access to musical opportunities to learn the fundamentals of singing, playing an instrument, and reading music, as well as to expand their song knowledge, develop their listening abilities, and discover the connections between music and other cultures and subject areas.

Classical music courses
The choir class is designed for students to apply musical skills as they continue to create and experience music as a musical ensemble. Students will continue developing mastery of solfege, major and minor scales, and 4 part harmonies. Students will convey musical interpretation with the use of dynamics and phrasing, while incorporating facial expression and movement for refined presentation. Students will understand how a musical composition is structured through listening and analysis. Students will be able to aurally and visually identify repetition in musical scores. Students will continue to develop an understanding and appreciation of the differences in music from other cultures and the connections music brings to people, places and time. The topics in this class will provide a strong basis for the continuation of their music skills to becoming a life-long participant of music.
Choir Workshops Objectives:
Students will learn to be confident in their singing voice, and be able to demonstrate proper vocal techniques.
Students will sing and perform a variety of music in both formal and informal situations, both individually and in an ensemble.
Students will grow a love and appreciation for music and its influence in society.

Classified Ads: Music jobs, auditions, masterclasses, competitions, courses, lessons
Choir Course Content:
Students will be able to read music, including note reading, rhythms, key and time signatures, etc.
Students will be exposed to choral elements, such as ensemble singing, blend, and vocal techniques.
1. Vocal Health and Technique
2. Music Theory – rhythms, note reading, key signatures, scales, vocabulary, etc.
3. Solfege and Sight Singing
4. Music History
5. Cooperative/Ensemble Learning
6. Performance Etiquette
Create your vocal ensemble by studying from the best trainers. Vocal ensemble courses will help you with it. All the vocal ensemble studios and workshops to apply to are represented on the site.
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Competitions. Vocal ensemble.

Courses. Vocal ensemble.