Young Artists at Ardkinglas House
Intense 4-day residential chamber music course for advanced instrumentalists and singers age 18+ in the magnificent mansion Ardkinglas House in Argyll, Scotland within a chamber music festival set up. 28-31 August 2025, Three concerts on 30-31 August. >>>Option to arrive a day earlier and/or to stay an extra night to accommodate travel arrangements. Training and performing alongside leading professional musicians and tutors from Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Scottish Chamber Orchestra and St. Mary’s Music School. Leisure activities: optional Yoga class, swimming in Loch Fyne, enjoying the wonderful woods and grounds of the Estate. Suitable for pre-formed groups or individuals still in education to experience an intense yet supportive rehearsal training side-by side culminating in three concerts. Ideal for refining performance skills.
2025-03-04 | 2025-08-28 | 2025-08-31 |
Cairndow | United Kingdom