Tara Festival Academy
The Tara Festival Academy takes place one hour outside of Brussels in the beautiful countryside and features a distinguished roster of renowned musicians as faculty. This one week course includes private and public lessons, chamber music, collaborations with senior Artists as well as public performances. YOUNG ARTISTS are carefully selected by video application. Violin/Viola/Cello/Double Bass/clarinet welcome. Ages 18-26 welcome. Application fee: €30 Application deadline: April 15 2025 (Early Bird Deadline January 15) PRIZES for participants - loan of 1874 Miremont violin - sponsorships by Dolfinos & Pirastro. VIOLIN PROF. Andrei Baranov Clémence de Forceville David Castro Balbi Abigél Králik VIOLA PROF. Mathis Rochat Gareth Lubbe Darryl Bachmann CELLO PROF. Benedict Kloeckner Ella Van Poucke Aleksey Shadrin BASS PROF. Lars Schaper PIANO+CHAMBER MUSIC PROF. Florian Noack Arash Rokni Raphaël Feye CLARINET PROF. Damien Bachmann
2025-03-04 | 2025-09-08 | 2025-09-14 |
Villers-La-Ville | Belgium https://www.taraconcerts.com/masterclasses