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  4. Brentwood International Music Competition

Brentwood International Music Competition
The Brentwood International Music Competition at Brentwood School is a landmark initiative designed to attract & celebrate the world’s most talented young musicians, marking a significant milestone for our Specialist Music Programme, and affords exceptional young musicians the opportunity of receiving significant monetary prizes and adjudication from a world-renowned panel. While the competition is open to any young musician, funded places at the school may also be awarded to those who express interest when applying. Competition winners will receive a range of prestigious awards including scholarships, bursaries, and monetary prizes: 1st Place: £1000 2nd Place: £500 3rd Place: £300 In addition, after the final, a special grand prize will also be awarded, up to the value of a full-boarding bursary (£60.000 per annum). Brentwood School is a leading independent school renowned for its holistic approach to education, blending academic rigour with outstanding co-curricular opportuniti
2025-03-08 | 2025-02-13 | 2025-05-08 |
Brentwood | United Kingdom

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