29th International Competition for Young Instrumentalists
Euritmia APS, cultural and musical Third Sector association based in Povoletto (Udine, Italy), with the aim of promoting musical culture and exchange of experiences among young instrumentalists of different cultures and languages, and with the aim of encouraging young people to study music, announces and organizes the “29th International Competition for Young Instrumentalists”, which will be held from 27th to 29th June 2025. Participation will be granted to all young instrumentalists of any nationality and born after 1st of January 2005, coming from state and private music schools, Conservatories or from band-oriented music courses.
2025-03-06 | 2025-06-27 | 2025-06-29 |
Povoletto (Udine) | Italy http://www.euritmia.it/concorso-musicale/